

"Some thoughts about leadership" by @curtisconcepts on @LinkedIn

"Launching An Online Course in Entrepreneurship" by @curtisconcepts on @LinkedIn

"Social Entrepreneurship Mid-Term Reflections" by @curtisconcepts on @LinkedIn

Electronic Pedagogy: Blended Education, Evaluating Models, Certification, Hands on Experience and Economic Models
Knowledge transfer from post-secondary institutions to the
business world does not always readily translate. It can be
argued that, especially, undergraduate education fails at
providing the specific solutions sought for business problems.
​ ​This research paper explores the various components of
non-traditional undergraduate, graduate, executive, and
certificate education delivery systems, including distance and
blended models. It is believed that the non-traditional
approach potentially provides an opportunity for programs in the
United States and abroad to bridge the education offerings to
the business sector, especially to the sector of the economy
where attending traditional college courses is restricted due to
work or economic constraints.
Paper on Online Education.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [284.7 KB]
Couples and Money
There​ ​are​ ​several​ ​resources​ ​that​ ​define, ​seek​ ​to​ ​guide​ ​and​ ​coach couples​ ​on​ ​money​ ​and​ ​finance. ​ ​The​ ​literature​ ​reviewed​, surveys conducted, ​and​ ​interviews of​ ​couples​ ​inform​ ​our​ ​work​ ​on​ ​couples​ ​and​ ​money.​ ​We​ ​also​ ​weave ​our personal​ ​histories​ ​and​ ​relationships​ ​to​ ​money into the document, particularly our professional experiences.​
Our​ ​initial​ ​search​ ​for relevant​ ​literature​ ​yielded​ ​a​ ​considerable​ ​of​ ​resources​ ​emphasizing​ ​key steps, ​ ​advice, ​ ​and​ ​supportive​ ​data​ ​about​ ​the​
Copy of Couples and Money - Literature [...]
Microsoft Word document [47.5 KB]